Virtual ELF21 Series 1: Knowledge Ecology in the Covid Era
-Ideas, technology and trends that are defining future learning and work practices
4 X weekly 90 minute Zoom Meetings from Wed 9 June, from 4.00-5.30pm NZ Time.
Each interactive session features thought and practice leaders in live TED-type presentations, panel sessions and small group breakout conversations, reinforced by post-session presentation videos and other digital resources.
Covid-19 has made us all participants in a global experiment reshaping how we learn, work and live. A year after New Zealand’s first lockdown there are some discernible education and leadership trends emerging.
Series 1 will pick up on Covid lockdown leadership lessons for educators, global energy challenges and local solutions, lateral thinking and innovation, and the acceleration of online learning as well as major changes to vocational education and training in the wake of the formation of Te Pūkenga and in response to changes in the nature of work. More ELF21 Theme
Series 1: Key Contributors
Derek Wenmoth
Dr Amelia Sharman
Ara Ake
Dr Michael Hewitt-Gleeson
School of Thinking, Melbourne
Diane Lithgow
Skills Consulting Group
Helen Down
Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce
Ben Naughton
Western Institute Technology Taranaki
Cathy Sheppard
BSI People Skills Ltd
Anne Riches
The Mindfield Navigator, Sydney
Session Previews
Back to the Past or Forward to the Future?
In Session 1 on 9 June Education Futurist Derek Wenmoth will argue that the education responses we saw during the 2020 lockdowns promised some transformative action and outcomes. But slowly we’ve seen a return to an “old normal” mindset. It’s now time to challenge complacency and not go back to the past. What are the forward facing big trends and ideas?
Ecological thinking is a powerful lens for understanding complex adaptive systems in terms of the relations of organisms-and organizations-to one another and to their environment and their interdependence. Dr Amelia Sharman, Head of Policy at Ara Aka will help shift thinking forward to the future with her presentation Tomorrow’s Energy: Climate change imperatives and energy-related innovation: implications for educators and learners. Registration Options
The Power of x10 Thinking
In Session 2 on 16 June Michael Hewitt-Gleeson, School of Thinking, Melbourne addresses the challenge of leading change and innovating. Why is it hard to get buy-in? Because the most difficult feat in human thinking is to escape from your present point of view. How do you overcome change resistance in yourself and your colleagues and tap the power of x10 Thinking? Programme Contributors Registration Options
Sharpening Skills and Trading Up
The Covid Economy has underscored shifting priorities for Vocational Education and Training and amplified the need for a re-balancing in tertiary education between universities and Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs), now under the umbrella of Te Pūkenga. Session 3 on 23 June will provide interesting perspectives in a conversation between Diane Lithgow, Skills Consulting Group, Helen Down, Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce and Ben Naughton, WITT.
Leaders Leading Better
The fourth and final session on 30 June addresses the twin challenges for education leaders of overcoming resistance to change and building mentally healthy leadership teams. Cathy Sheppard, BSI People Skills, suggests that Covid has shown we need to prepare students for a very different world from what we grew up in, with the pace of change increasing exponentially. She asks how can what we’ve learnt recently change the way we, as leaders in education, lead better when it comes to communication, adaptability, resilience and culture change, so our students will be better equipped to respond to the needs of humanity going forward?
Mentally Healthy Workplaces
Anne Riches, The Mindfield Navigator, Sydney, in a conversation with ELF convener Lyall Lukey, discusses creating mentally healthy workplaces and learning spaces.
In the Covid era a major change focus for leaders in all organisations is on mentally healthy workplaces. How can your learning community be an open, safe and supportive mentally healthy workplace?
Drawing from her own personal and professional experience as a change leadership specialist working with hundreds of organisations in Australia and around the world, Anne increasingly works with leaders to be mentally healthy themselves; recognise, support and effectively manage colleagues who are struggling and create psychologically safe places to work. Programme Registration Options
ELF21: Series 1 will provide stimulating and relevant leadership resources for senior teams across the education spectrum. It will also be of interest to those involved in the transition of learners from education to work and the development of new skills for new technologies through vocational education and training. ELF Audiences