Co=Gen Catalysts

-Personal and Leadership Development for Millennials+

Catalyst  “… an external agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action.”


“ In essence, technical skills will need to be supplemented with strong social and collaboration skills.”   WEF report The Future of Jobs

According to the OECD skills are the new world currency. 21st century skills comprise skills, abilities and learning dispositions identified as being required for success in today’s rapidly changing digital world.  Many of theses skills are also associated with deeper learning, which is based on mastering skills such as analytic reasoning, complex problem solving, and teamwork.  Unlike traditional academic fare they are skill not content focused. They are complementary to, not substitutes for, basic building block knowledge and skills like literacy and numeracy.

Co=Gen:  Improving talent retention and development:

Covid Economy

 “…Many business practices, such as remote work and the online medical visits of telehealth, were slow to win widespread adoption because of behavioural inertia. But the outbreak — and its indefinite period of upended life — could speed adoption of such unfamiliar ways of doing business….”   The new coronavirus economy:  A gigantic experiment reshaping how we work and live

The possibility of more Covid-19 lockdowns in NZ and the worsening pandemic internationally have led to accelerated demands for digital skills.  With more people working and learning at least part time at home, there is an emphasis on video meetings and on-line collaboration and marketing.

In the post-Trump age there will also be a growing emphasis on infodemic inoculation, critical thinking, visioning and strategizing, collaboration, problem solving and innovation.  Covid-19 has already underlined a greater need for flexibility and adaptability,  remote team leading and cross-cultural and cross-generational in person and online interaction.  Co=Gen Coaching Benefits

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Rapidly Changing Workplaces
“…the most in-demand occupations or specialties did not exist 10 or even 5 years ago…”  Work Economic Forum report The Future of Jobs.

Natural Intelligence (NI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The WEF report points out that the ability to identify and prepare for present and future skill requirements is increasingly critical for education and training organisations, businesses and individuals to both seize opportunities and mitigate undesirable outcomes.

The OECD’s Learning 2030 framework builds on this and other initiatives.  Specific hard skills and soft skills sets are in increasingly high demand. This reinforces the case for humanities in the era of brain-machine interaction. Curiosity, creativity and empathy are still key elements of the innovation process.

Soft Skills
For some “soft skills” are seen as “easy skills.”  But it takes a lot of hard practice to master skills such as working collaboratively, team working and team leading, facilitating in-person and online meetings, problem solving and managing conflict.

Deeper learning is needed to master skills such as analytic reasoning and complex problem solving. The test is understanding why and demonstrating how, not regurgitating what. The most effective learning comes from a parallel process of knowing and doing.

Leaders at all levels struggle with critical people issues and changes that confront them in today’s workplace. These include challenging issues like:health and safety, remote working,  sexual harassment and diversity and inclusion.

Critical Thinking
One of the problems with the education sphere is that it swings from packing students with knowledge and not much in the way of skills to the other way round—all about skills, and knowledge can come from the Internet….I’d put critical thinking up there as one of the most important skills we should be teaching, but you can’t think critically without something to think about.”  Sir John Daniel, DeTao Masters Academy, Beijing

Critical thinking is a key attribute. Thinking about thinking and understanding different modes of thinking is not, as it should be, literally top of the mind in learning at all levels. Critical thinking requires time and application that some would say it is not compatible with our 24/7 “always on” fragmented digital world. But many employers place problem solving at the top of their desired attributes list.  Register my interest in Co=Gen Module 1


Talent Development
“Talent only takes you so far. You need planning, passion and 100% commitment to turn your dreams into reality.”  Barbara Kendall Olympic Gold Medalist

Aspiring leaders need to focus on developing their talents and not worry too much about their weak points  Timely coaching and feedback are key.

Talent is what we do well naturally. It is our bent. Talents can be discovered and developed. They are caught more than taught, but can be strengthened by coaching.  Supporting skills can be taught. A skill is simply how to do something-a technique.  Skills are learned and transferable.

Adapt and Live!

At a time of unprecedented changes in the global and local environment, the current education system in New Zealand struggles to remain adaptable, relevant and capable of turning out self-motivated learners attuned to creative thinking.

Qualifications, seen by many as an end point, are really just a point of departure. Organizations and individuals need to keep abreast of technological and business model changes which affect occupations and required skill sets. Both must be prepared to re-invest in appropriate upskilling at frequent intervals.  Co=Gen Coaching Benefits

Many young people are not being prepared for the right jobs. Many are currently enrolled in fields of study that will be radically affected by automation.

In an era of technology and AI, the so-called soft skills like critical thinking, communication, empathy, mindfulness, resiliency, decision-making, self-awareness and so on are even more important, especially for those who lead. Registration Options

Open to New Opportunities


New Zealand demographic changes
“The workforce of the near future will be more flexible, collaborative and less secure, populated increasingly by older people and led by a generation with different values to their predecessors.”  Prof. Bentley, Director, AUT Future of Work Programme

Organizations  are complex adaptive systems that evolve in response to complex human interactions by an infusion of new people and new ideas.

The proportion of young New Zealand-born people entering the workforce in the next decade will decline as a result of declining birth rates in recent decades and increasing time spent in education.

40% of NZ’s workforce is aged 50 and over. In ten years’ time, close to 10% of people in the NZ workforce will be over 65. 45% of people aged 65-69 (235,000) are still in some form of employment – male 52% female 38%. There are more people aged 55-64 registered for Job Support than those aged 18-24.[1]

Ageing countries like New Zealand won’t just need lifelong learning – they need wholesale reskilling of existing workforces throughout their lifecycle. [1] Insights in Age and Work